

3 Criteria of Ideal Customers

The ideal customer is the person who is going to patronize a small business with frequency and not require much in the way of customer acquisition costs. Identifying these customers is critical for building...
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How to Solve Common Small Business Problems

There are plenty of issues affecting small businesses which can be quite common. These issues span all different industries. For a small business owner, having a roadmap to solving these problems cuts down on wasted time employing solutions offering middling success. Because the following problems are common, the solutions are also fairly easy to follow.
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How to Use a Vlog to Make a Small Business Stand Out

The viral video is one of the great lightning-in-a-bottle methods of marketing. Unfortunately, just as quickly as viral videos take hold in the culture, they quickly are replaced. That viral bump can’t be sustained. Vlogging is a safer, smarter option for developing a revenue stream based on video content. When vlogs are done correctly, they usually provide greater volume and revenue for small businesses.
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